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Spider-Woman scales castle wall

by Adil | 11:33 AM in |

Spider-Woman scales castle wall
Spider-Woman scales castle wall. Woman scales 70ft wall to escape admission fee at castle. A woman, who has been dubbed Spider-Woman by Chinese media, astonished tourists at Zhonghua Castle by scaling a 70ft wall to avoid the admission fee.

Ma Jei had no rope or safety equipment when she attempted the feat to dodge the cost of going into the castle – the equivalent of £2.50. She later revealed that this was not the first time she had scaled the wall, telling tourists that she had grown up in the area and climbed the walls since childhood and had never once paid to get in.

Some tourists who saw her amazing feat tried to follow her example, but sadly they were not as successful as Ms Jei.

Two fell from the wall breaking their legs and three others had to be rescued by police.

One eyewitness said: ‘She ran up the wall like a goat and made it look easy. But when people tried it for themselves they saw it wasn’t quite as simple as they thought.’


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