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Small, but very ambitious UK firm Eterniti Motors unveiled details of its super-SUV Hemera, who, on the idea of ​​its founders, has to compete with the Maserati Kubang and future SUV Bentley.

The name of this car very accurately reflects its essence. Chimera ... And the real. It is not known who wouldto deceive the British, but even with the naked eye can see that Hemera - it's not completely original design, andonly deep tuning Porsche Cayenne first generation. Moreover, tuning of the English turned out not the best.Many German tuning-studio "pumped» Porsche Cayenne is much more interesting by creating a machine to reallymemorable, catchy looks. Take, for example the creation of the cult studio Gemballa. But the English have turnedabsolutely "no" car, which looks like a mad fruit selection of Porsche and Spyker. Plusall somehow incorrect issue of tuning the product for a brand new car. Buyers, and especially the rich,these tricks do not like. How would the British do not deceive ourselves.
However, the ambitious British sincerely believe in the success of your project and strongly praising Eterniti Hemera. Say,"Educational" work with him conducting the ex-Formula 1 driver Johnny Herbert, who teaches a car ride and thanks tomany hours of test arrivals Eterniti Hemera slowly but surely turns into a real sports car. Commentsuch statements are just silly, since learning to drive Porsche - the same waste of time, and learn how to rideJohnny Herbert himself. And with all due respect to the English pilot, a reference to it does not cause the proper respect.Johnny Herbert when he was the pilot of Formula 1 stars from the sky is not enough and remembered as a driver-middle peasants. Whominstantly forgotten as soon as he hung his hat on a nail. And no wonder - Formula 1 had known, and more greatriders and even more worthy of average people than Johnny Herbert. However, Herbert is Eterniti Motorsa true hero, and he was appointed not only test pilot and instill noble manners Porsche Cayenne, but"Ambassador" brand Eterniti.
But one of Johnny Herbert decided not to limit the English and brought under his banner, and even Alastair McQueen -one of the developers supercar Jaguar XJ220. This car is still not like to remember for the firmJaguar, as nothing but losses did not deliver. And lovers of curiosities Jaguar XJ220 not particularly favor.The reason is that the car did not become a cult classic, in contrast to, for example, the Jaguar E-Type. The reason for thisthat the design of the machine was far from perfect, and she is already too strange. If notto say otherwise. That there is only one dashboard, ... placed on the door. It is not known who came up with aoriginal ergonomic solutions, but, judging from what failed miserably Jaguar XJ220, his teamdevelopment is rather more questions than respect. So, the appearance Alastair McQueen in EternitiMotors - a very dubious achievement.
As leaked to media reports, under the hood Eterniti Hemera is located 4.8-liter bi-turbo enginecapacity of 600-620 liters. with. The maximum speed of the order of 288-290 km / h, and the price will start from 150 000pounds ($ 232 500 or 178 000 euros).
The question is, who buys for the money "pumped» Porsche Cayenne previous generation? The British give the answerand on this issue - 90% of all scheduled for release machinery (50 pieces per year) they intend to send to ... China! Andonly 10%, five cars will be offered to buyers in Europe, Russia and the Middle East.
Assess the prospects Eterniti Hemera is premature, but it is not clear where the British will takedonor cars? Release of first-generation Porsche Cayenne stopped long ago, do not they buy pobrezguyutused cars? If so, the other option is simply not occurred, then the project can Hemerabe commercially successful. By purchasing "beushnye» Porsche Cayenne and sold it for $ 232 500, even with the tuningYou can earn good money.
In general, the frivolity of this project is obvious. The only thing the British do best so far, it isto attract attention with loud statements. Although even they themselves should be clear that their child with the speakername for themselves, will not be able to compete not only with being developed off-roadBentley, but also with the Maserati Kubang. Moreover, Eterniti Hemera not be able to compete even with the usual Porsche CayenneII. And indeed it is not clear to whom this car can compete. Indeed, except for the English no one has yet thought ofbegin low-volume production car, which is based on a frank second-hand. Yes, and hang hima price tag, which can not boast of a supercar.
One can only sympathize with Johnny Herbert. Once he was a partner of the Michael Schumacher won therace was considered a top pilot and hardly could have imagined that such a time will come when he will become ambassadorBrand Eterniti. Brenda, who built their policies on the reshaping and selling cars second freshness. Oneloquent name Hemera.

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