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City of Darwin, named in honor of Charles Darwin - one of the most northern cities of Australia. The town itself is nothing interesting in itself is not so, a couple of streets on which live 100 000 people. City of Darwin is famous for its jumping crocodiles living in river Adelaide.

Local crocodiles so steep that even learned to live in salt water and are often chosen in the sea, so swim at the beaches of Darwin is strongly discouraged. By the way, not only can not swim because of crocodiles, but also because of kubomeduz. They burn caused by stinging cells that can be deadly to humans. According to the Australians, they are swimming in pools, but not in the ocean ...

Those same streets two and a half of Darwin:

In Darwin we cruise ship arrived in the morning on January 1, and almost all the establishments in the city were closed. On a trip to Adelaide River we did not get, but visited the local zoo crocodile. Here you can immerse yourself in an aquarium in a glass box and tease a huge crocodile:
If the crocodile is hungry, he can attack you and try to bite. Feelings, they say, is very sharp:
Crocodiles in the zoo, significantly more than the visitors. They can look through the glass hemisphere, which look like giant drops:

The zoo is free to hold the crocodile in his hands. At this time you photographed, and then you can buy a photo, if you like. At the touch of crocodiles are very soft, gentle and leather:
Besides crocodiles, there is a lot of unusual local lizards and reptiles:

In the zoo, lives a few large crocodiles, many of which were filmed in various golivudskih blockbusters:

The zoo regularly lead free tours. It begins with a bite force apparatus showing a crocodile. In the mechanical jaws put a piece of ice:
After pressing the jaw and imploded ...
Very interesting to watch the feeding of crocodiles. Fearless zoo worker fastened a piece of meat on a makeshift fishing pole and went on a fishing trip:
The huge carcass jump out of water and tried to grab the meat:

Spectators at this time hiding behind the glass:
We moved from aquarium to aquarium until they fed all the giant zoo inhabitants:

In the morning I walked past a giant pool with young crocodiles. Then it seemed to me that there is very little of:
At the end of our trip started to let visitors to the bridge inside the tank and crocodiles povylazili from all the cracks:

All those wishing to have issued fishing rod and 3 slices of meat:

Crocodiles were very jumpy:

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest:

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