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Egg - is a universal format for anything. It is strong, it is aesthetic, born of a new life. No wonder after all the myths of many peoples of the universe emerged from the egg it is. So designers are using this sacred form their own purposes. On this and it will go in our today's review.

Residential house in the form of eggs
Egg Shape Mobile Living Space - a mobile dwelling house, which can easily accommodate two people. There is a double bed, a small common space, kitchen and even bathroom with shower. It is not clear just how this house-egg move from place to place.

Egg space for work and leisure
NU-OVO - is an opportunity to get hold of your own office or library, even those who live in a small apartment in the panel house. NU-OVO is a small room in a mobile form of eggs, having inside shelves and desks.

The egg printer from Casio
This printer from the company Casio has a shape of an egg and weighs only 125 grams. It does not take much space on your desk, working from USB, but it prints only on small pieces of paper rather than sheets of A4.

Egg building in Mumbai
Building Cybertecture Egg in the Indian city of Mumbai is the headquarters of the company Vijay Associate. Its area is 32,000 square meters, and all the equipment inside the building integrated technology "Smart House". Also, a special system monitors the health of the people working here.

Egg Egg Car Car
Two-wheeled vehicle Egg Car - is the perfect solution for driving on city streets affected by traffic jams. After all, it has a very small size, nice appearance and very good maneuverability (due to the two-wheeled). Powered Egg Car, as one would expect from an electric motor.

Jack clips
Stationery products named Nest is a large egg (which is larger than the average chicken), a weak force magnet. But around this nest egg made ​​from paper clips, each of which may at any time, if necessary, to separate from him, or, conversely, add to the collection.

egg cradle
Egg in the minds of most people associate with the emergence of a new life. This fact is taken into account the creators of the cradle of Ei-Max, made ​​just in the form of eggs. No wonder because the mother is often called their children "chick."

Egg shower
Some see in this unusual bathroom stall with the name Cocoon Shower Stall from designer Alina Komarova a huge cocoon, and someone - an egg. In any event, the booth that you go out in such a state as if reborn.

egg audiokolonki
Audiokolonki from the company Olasonic - this is probably one of the most interesting in terms of visual speakers in the world. Because they are made in the form of two eggs. Eggs, which are connected to the USB.

Skyscraper in the form of Easter egg dyed eggs
Many Christian culture to paint Easter eggs. Those involved and the Ukrainians, who call their crafts such egg. That is in the form of Easter egg designed and titled Skyscraper, who want to build large-scale project in the Kyiv-City.

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