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 Wave Rock is a natural rock formation, which is located east of the town of Hayden, located 339 km east of Perth, Western Australia. It is believed that it was formed more than 2.7 billion years ago.More interesting presentations inside:

Map of Wave Rock.
 Wave Rock is part of the northern section of Hyden Rock. Waveform is generated due to the gradual erosion of soft rock below the top edge, which lasted for centuries. Height of Wave Rock is 14 feet, length 110 m, and a feeling that before you frozen in time and space prehistoric surf, beating the invisible shore.

Stained Wave Rock due to the fact that the rain washes away the chemical deposits (carbonates and iron hydroxide), forming a vertical gray, red and yellow stripes. If you linger in these parts for some time, it is also worth a look at the Wave Rock at different times of day, because I was the angle of sunlight changes as the colors and shades of Wave Rock.

For locals this place has cultural significance.
  View of the Wave Rock. 
Amazing wave shape Wave Rock was formed by underground chemical processes and subsequent long-term river erosion. Due to the fact that the bulk chemical processes took place below ground level, collapsed primarily a foundation, and "overhang" remains intact.
  Here the Japanese were shooting the show Next Top Model in 2008.
  Held here Wave Rock Weekender, an annual music festival. Last year, the festival was held September 25-26, 2010.
 More than 140,000 tourists visit the area annually.
It was in this position are usually photographed on this "stone wave ".
. Wave Rock - not just a place that attracts tourists, but also a way to regulate water supplies. Concrete wall height of one foot is located at the upper edge of Hayden Rock directing rainwater and allowing it to accumulate in a special dam-store.
  Impressive Wave Rock.
Scala Yawning hippopotamus. This rock is really like yawning hippopotamus, which is why its so called. Its height is 12.6 meters.

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