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 Want to quickly get to the light? On the face of common items can harm your health.
 1. alcohol 
Ppm - a thousandth of a share of something, not necessarily alcohol. Speaking of the latter, then "1 ppm of alcohol in the blood" means that every liter of human blood contains 1 ml of pure alcohol. Pure alcohol - it's not vodka without zapivki, but something contemplative, even stronger than alcohol. Thus, 0.5 liters of vodka - about 200 ml of pure alcohol. Drunk healthy 75-pound guy, this will become a half-liter of about 2.5 ppm, which qualifies as a serious intoxication. Lethal blood alcohol concentration is 6.5 ppm, that is 400-450 ml of pure alcohol drunk. This 1-1,25 liters of vodka (provided that the drinker is not going to be sick). Drink three bottles at once - and you just end.
Exception: In December 2004, the hospital of the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv have brought a man who was hit by a car. Because of him, to put it mildly, smelled, was involved Breathalyzer, which showed 9.14 ppm. Confident in equipment failure, physicians have made five different laboratory tests, each of which gave similar results. That is, in terms of the usual strong Bulgarian alcohol the victim (who, let's all weighed the same 75 kg) to pass through itself at least 1.7 liters. Survived, among other things.

 2. vitamins 
Vitaminami also be ubitsya. There is even such a thing - hypervitaminosis. For example, the effects of an overdose of vitamin A include headache, dizziness, nausea, rapid pulse, unconsciousness and convulsions. Vitamin B1: dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. Vitamin B12: increased heart rate, increased blood clotting. Vitamin D2: weakness, thirst, vomiting, fever, high blood pressure, difficulty breathing, slow pulse. Vitamin E: metabolism disorders, thrombophlebitis, necrotizing colitis, kidney failure, bleeding in the retina, a hemorrhagic stroke.

To be sure, must be taken, of course, multivitamin complexes. In order to obtain a lethal dose, for example, vitamins A and D, will take up to 5,000 tablets. And in a short period of time, so that the body had not put them in the urine. You manage to overtake the kidneys - and you end.

 3. sun
SolntseOdin cloudless day in July, held in the Egyptian sun without protection, will be for you, pale-faced, the last one. A man takes 2 to 8 hours to get a serious heat stroke. First, weakness, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, then - the temperature rise to 40-42oS, nausea, increased heart rate and breathing, delirium, low blood pressure, loss of consciousness ... The main thing is when you will feel unwell, do not go into the coolness and shade - and you end.
 4. Nikotin
Sovershenno independent of nicotine and are resistant to poison the rats usually die from the dose rate of 50 mg of nicotine per kilogram of flesh. According to human studies, for you this figure is much lower and ranged from 0.5 to 1 mg per kilogram of body weight. Consequently, a strong 75-pound man uniquely bevel 75 mg of nicotine. If we consider that in each cigarette classic "Java" contains 0.8 mg, the lethal dose - 94 cigarettes. Polbloka at a time - and you end.
 5. salt
 6. caffeine
KofeinEsli trust in the same rats, the lethal dose of caffeine - 192 milligrams per kilogram of rat. For a man that figure, depending on its weight and individual susceptibility to caffeine, ranging from 150 to 200 mg. So if you weigh 75 kg, then you definitely deadly 15 grams of caffeine. A good espresso, which in his native Italy more like a breath of adrenaline, a standard "shot" (30 ml) accounted for no less than 100 mg of caffeine. Order 150 cups (just 4.5 liters) - and you end.
 7. water
 They say every 1,000 calories eaten should drink a liter of water. The average daily diet of urban residents - 2000-2500 kcal, for a total daily intake - 2-2.5 liters. About a liter of fluid a person gets from food balance in the wet - 1.5-2 liters daily rate of a healthy person. Iterate 3-4 times can lead to so-called poison water, or water intoxication - a violation of water-salt metabolism in the body. Your kidneys are simply not have time to withdraw from the body are consumed, the salt concentration drops, and the water begins to fill in the intracellular environment. The result - swelling of the brain, lungs, and there ... you still there? In certain cases, the medicine poisoning the water with lethal people in less than a day drink at least 7 liters. Alone drained cooler during the day - and you end.
In January 2007, at the radio station KDND California town of Sacramento in the morning show was played console Nintendo Wii. The contest was called Hold Your Wee for a Wii (something like "Do not mochis - differences"), and were in the studio participants were required to drink water without the maximum possible "exit". 28-year-old Jennifer Streyndzh, mother of three children, has become one of the finalists, but did not win the prize. Later in the day, she complained of severe headaches and even had to take time off from work. The next morning she was found dead - was pronounced dead due to water intoxication. During the radio show, Jennifer drank about 7.5 liters of water.

 8. electricity 
Household electricity is dangerous too. All these scenes from the movies, where unlucky character gets killed by throwing him into the bath included a hairdryer, - the truth. But there are a number of factors that must come together at the point of contact with your bare wire to get you killed. Theoretically, having a wet hand long nail, and thrust it into standard electrical outlet with a voltage of 220 volts, you will receive a discharge current strength 0.1-0.2 amps (and the maximum current at which the person is still able to tear yourself from hand contact, - 0.01 amps). After 1-3 seconds to happen respiratory paralysis, the failure of the heart - and you end.
Uncompromising option - electric chair, which can still be found in at least six U.S. states. Stress - from 1700 to 2400 volts, the amperage - up to 6 amps (life-threatening - 0.1 Amperes), two categories of duration from 20 seconds to a minute each. If all goes according to the rules, condemned unconscious through 1 / 240 second, and almost immediately dies.
American Michael Anderson Goodwin spent several years in prison South Carolina, awaiting the execution of the death penalty for premeditated murder. Electrocution was to be held in late 1989. It is true that in March this year, the court reduced the sentence to life imprisonment. Soon after, Goodwin, sitting in his cell on a metal toilet, got to fix is ​​included in the TV outlet and touching live wire, brought the original sentence.

9. mosquitoes
 The female mosquito, which weighs an average of 2.6 mg, can suck your blood in two times their weight, or about 5 mg, or 0,005 ml. Blood - it is about 7% of total body weight, 5-5.5 l in the average guy. A man without harm to themselves can lose up to 15% of the blood, but a one-time loss of 2-2.5 l is already deadly. Thus, if within a short walk in the woods the summer you let yourself half a million mosquito bite females, then you just end.

I think if you actively use rectifiable and ointments from mosquitoes that can also be poisoned.

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