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 A collection of photographs with a punk festival "Rebellion" (uprising). Last Thursday, in the English city of Blackpool, the traditional gathering of representatives of the youth subculture.
 1. Punk subculture emerged in Britain in the late 60's and 70's. Youth for spread in several countries: Australia, Canada and the USA. A characteristic feature of the ideology of punk was their opposition to policy and society in general.
 2. Creation of the famous American artist Andy Warhol and his band Velvet Underground closely associated with punk rock, and its lead singer Lou Reed is considered the father of alternative rock.

3. Punks maintain relationships with other subcultures - goth, metal, et

4. The first group, which began playing punk rock, was an American band Ramone
 5. Musical group The Clash, The Damned and the Sex Pistols found the first British punk bands.
 6. Punks may have different political views, but most of them adhere to socially oriented ideologies and ideas of Progressivism

7. Punks seek full independence and freedom of the individual, followed by the ideas of nonconformity, as well as a number of principles such as: "to rely on himself", not "sold" and the principle of "direct action"

8. Some areas of this subculture are divided into nihilism, antiauthoritarianism anarchism, socialism, antimilitarism, anti-racism, anti-capitalism, antiseksizm, anti-nationalism, antigomofobiyu, environmentalism, vegetarianism, veganism.
 9. Some members of the subculture or hold conservative views, such as neo-Nazis (Nazi punk), or their views are analytic (horror punk).
 10. Most punks dye their hair unusual colors in bright, brushed and fix them with gel, a beer or varnish. In the 80 years of punk hairstyle became popular, "Iroquois". Punks tend to wear jeans tucked into boots are massive (banks). Some representatives initially soaked his pants in a solution of bleach and then covered with red stains jeans. Punks are also shoes, this style spread through a group of Ramones, who themselves borrowed it from a Mexican gang.
 11. Another indispensable feature of the punks - Jacket leather jackets - was borrowed from rock 'n' Roll '50s, when rock and roll and motorcycle were inseparable. Punks wanted to give his music a special drive and bullying that have disappeared due to the commercialization of art.
 12. It is believed that the real ideological punks are gone, and now found only in expensive media and fashion punk clothing, punk which currently can not afford financially
 13. Today's punks - is, perhaps, clowns in modern society.
 14. Annual Festival of British "Rebellion" brought together thousands of representatives of this culture.
15. This year, the seaside town of Blackpool has become a single venue for the gathering of traditional punk and competition ballroom dancing to lay people age.

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