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Men caught with hundreds of baby alligators, Robert “Bo” Martin Duval and Christopher Cork Scroggins stole 260 baby alligators in Orlando, Florida...

The two men are charged with felony possession and capture of hatchling alligators along with misdemeanor conspiracy, according to MSNBC News. In addition, Duval was charged with possession of firearms and ammunition by a convicted felon.

There is said to be a woman who assisted the men at the boat ramp where they were later caught, but police are still further investigating the part she took in the crime.

According to the Miami Herald, the men were shining a light on the water for six hours in search of alligator hatchlings. When Duval turned over the baby alligators, the wildlife officers released them back into the water.

MSNBC News reports the possession and illegal capturing of hatchling alligators can lead to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Duval, because he was concealing a weapon and ammunition as a convicted felon, may get an addition penalty of 15 years in prison and an added fine of $10,000.

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